Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Average Hours Put in by Workers on AMT

This is a hot off the presses item for readers, but I wanted to let you know that mTurk Forum has a poll in play where Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk) workers can respond with the average number of hours they work on AMT each day.

The initial numbers are quite interesting and sort of sad from my perspective. The two largest response groups were for 3 hours a day and Greater than 5 hours a day.

The stats went like this (as of 9/7/10):
Less than 1 hour ---> 4%
1 hour ---> 9%
2 hours ---> 16%
3 hours ---> 26%
4 hours ---> 13%
Greater than 5 hours ---> 27%

Prior to encountering this poll, I would have guessed that there would have been a wide spread in the numbers with some serious folks putting in some serious time to make money and then there would be hobbyists -- people who jump on, do some HITs and then jump off.

The vast majority of folks working on Mturk are putting in some serious time with more than 80% of them working for 2 or more hours a day.

For reasons of full disclosure, I would categorize myself as a hobbyist. If there is a set of HITs I like that I feel like I can make some money at, I’ll spend more time. This past weekend, I had some dead time and spent about 4 hours one day doing Mturk HITs.

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